Our Services
Building Bonds offers therapeutic support to parents and infants in need of relationship-based support and interventions in the antenatal and postnatal period, to help build a good bond and relationship and to support both the parent and infants mental health during this difficult period.
Building Bonds offers tailored attachment based assessments, therapy/interventions and support to families in the community. Building Bonds also offers a wide range of attachment based support/interventions to Looked After Children and their their Caregivers (Foster Carers, Adoptive Parents and Professionals) and professional systems (Local Authority, Youth Justice, Probation, CAMHS).
Building Bonds believes strongly that the best way of creating change, positivity, social movement and innovative practice is by building skills and capacity in the workforce to likeminded individuals, professionals interested in this field of work. Building Bonds offers specialist training, consultation and supervision to multi-agencies professionals, staff, third sector organisations who want to build their capacity, knowledge and resources in this specialist area to support families to ‘build good bonds and break negative cycles’.
Building Bonds Toolkit offers resources, skills & knowledge to Professionals, Services, Organisations wanting to offer provide more specialist support, skills which will enable staff to build good bonds with families and have greater confidence in offering more specialist support.
We offer support to other Health, Local Authority, third sector services/organisations who are interested joining our social movement and mission of ‘Building Bonds in the Early Years’ via setting up services/support for families and filling the gap in local service provision.